Bondpix James Bond

A tribute to stuntman Roy Alon, who passed away in February 2006


Interview conducted by Jon Auty in 2001.   Pictures ©


‘Yes, there are a number of quite remarkable and unforgettable incidents but probably not the kind you'd expect. It's the little things mostly, those ridiculously funny moments, like Terry Walsh coming up to you before a fire gag saying, "Its going to be a big one - so put these in your pockets in case it goes wrong"! Naturally feeling apprehensive, you glance down to see he has given you two large potatoes. At a moment like that, it’s great to have a reason to laugh.

My fondest memory is the day I did something particularly dreadful to a fellow stuntman. In fact to my best pal Billy Horrigan, so between you and me I'm not really that sorry. Anyone who has met Billy will no doubt be aware of his unique and eccentric sense of humour and his love of practical jokes. It was time, I felt, to give Billy a taste of his own medicine so I called him to do a car crash on 'Dempsey and Makepeace'. After rehearsals, and around the corner out of sight, we substituted the car Billy was to crash into and he suddenly found himself crashing into his own car, - he went absolutely ballistic - and it took ages before he calmed down enough to realise that the car was not really his and was in fact a 'clone' look-alike and that he wasn't performing on 'Dempsey and Makepeace', but that we had done him on 'Game For A Laugh'. To this day I worry that he may someday seek his revenge.

It is without a doubt an extraordinary job and I wouldn't change it for the world. I thank God every day for allowing me to do something that I truly enjoy and actually get paid for doing it.’

Roy Alon was talking to Jon Auty.

  You can read another interview with Roy, where he talks about his work on the James Bond films, by clicking THIS LINK

This sequence below best demonstrates Roy's versatility. He plays the part of an I.R.A heavy in the 1981 film 'The Long Good Friday'. After gunmen burst into the room Roy, and fellow stuntman Frank Henson, crash through the window to the floor below. The pink car tries to avoid the two men and crashes into the blue car. Roy is driving car 674.

Roy performs a fall through a window and then crashes car 674 into another vehicle, all for the film 'The Long Good Friday'
<--- Part 3

©2001 Jon Auty. All rights reserved.

Roy on BOND ---> 
The Official Roy Alon website can be found at


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