Bond's filming on the Thames has been ongoing for more than
three weeks, but Thursday's action saw Bond mix water with
fire to yield an explosive combination.
None of the big stars were on hand, but the rest of the
Bond crew and the various stunt doubles were there to take the
heat of the explosions.
One nearby resident, Mark Bentley, told 007 NEWS earlier
this week that the crew had posted notices around the area
warning residents that they might hear some explosions during
filming that starts at 7:30 in the morning and concludes by 6
Bentley reported that the film crew arrived Wednesday night
to set-up for Thursday's scene. By morning the area was
crowded with the workers wearing Tomorrow Never Dies
t-shirts --- why not TWINE? We don't know!
Commuters trying to get to a nearby train station had to
walk right through the set! The Q-boat and the Cigar Girl boat
were both docked. This filming location is just at the end of
the runway for London City Airport.
Mark Bentley had to head to work, but we have all the
action covered thanks to David Williams.
David Williams reports from
After a fairly quite day in Millwall Docks yesterday
[Wednesday], the 2nd unit set themselves up for a noisy day in
Victoria Docks. Arriving after a very heavy downpour of rain
and hail, I met up with my friends Steve and Ray who informed
me that I had missed some exciting scenes and a soaking from
the weather. Fortunately they were setting the area up for a
repeat performance so I watched as the mortars/grenade
launchers on the rear of the Sunseeker were primed.
This is the same location where Jean Michel Jarre held his
spectacular Destination Docklands concert several years ago,
so I was expecting some more fireworks. As the clear skies
threatened to deliver another batch of rain, the Cigar Girl's
boat, closely followed by the Q boat, motored down to the east
end of the dock. Sirens sounded to warn of explosions, and the
two boats approached the arena.
A flash of flame and smoke from the rear of the Cigar
Girl's boat was shortly followed by a bang, and a spray of
water shot 50ft into the air slightly ahead of 007.
Rapidly, more reports from the Cigar Girl's boat as Wade
[Bond's stunt double] jigged the Q-boat between the plumes of
water. Smoke hang in the still air and then silence reigned as
the boats slowed to a crawl and drew to a halt. And then it
chucked it down again so I went home.
Apparently, no fish were harmed in the making of this film.
An underwater device is used to emit a sound to frighten fish
away from the area whilst the explosions are let off! Only
to Thames Index